The idea of a driving creative force…

The idea of a driving creative force is neither unique nor new across humanity’s diverse cultures. Every culture seeks to articulate the inexpressible, grappling with ways to describe and envision our ultimate purpose. This force is often portrayed as uncontrollable, one that must be approached with courage, seduced, and wooed. Humankind tends to frame the…

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The perfection of the channel…

The perfection of the channel between Core Consciousness and humanity is nothing less than the realization of thought and its driving impulse into a material manifestation that conforms to the original impulse. We realize all thought eventually into material form. We see the realization of our thoughts in the form we live in—its content and…

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I describe the Pattern as dimensionless…

I describe the Pattern as dimensionless because it represents Creation itself. This Pattern consists of various energy frequencies of consciousness that exist across multiple dimensions, some extending beyond the four dimensions typically experienced by humans — sight, smell, sound, and time. I perceived the Pattern as operating in the fifth dimension. Physics and mathematics provide…

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We are not drawn into Spirit…

We are not drawn into Spirit by sheer determination or effort. Instead, we are gently enticed to offer our passion and energy to Spirit, invited to dance on delicate wings, carried by the winds of light that surround the Greater Being. We are called to merge with Spirit, embraced within its nurturing light. From “The…

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Beginning, ending, and beginning again…

Beginning, ending, and beginning again is your birthright. As the new Human Consciousness unfolds within you, within the Pattern that guides you, release yourself to the creative impulse that came with you into this life.From “The Pattern: An Exploration of Consciousness”

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After years of struggle…

After years of struggle, joy, and Spiritual upliftment, at some point you will very naturally begin to remember all of the lives that you lived here on earth. The remembering will occur quickly, or slowly. We near completion of ourselves by merging with the energies of all our lives.Remembering is a key step in participation…

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Listen then to the poetry…

Listen then to the poetry of man’s personal, unattended, masterful, and exalted struggle to know Self, and you will see that personal redemption has already been won in the timeless void of uncreated Spirit.From “The Pattern: An Exploration of Consciousness”

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We have the opportunity…

We have the opportunity at any moment to transform our realities from hopelessness and helplessness to empowerment and vitality. Nowhere in the teachings of the world’s wise men, saints, and Spiritual teachers does it say, “You are unworthy.” Our inspirational doctrines speak again and again of our potential and inherent strengths—and our ability to be…

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The Spiritual transformative experience…

The Spiritual transformative experience occurs in the realm of consciousness, impacting all levels of our energetic bodies, allowing us to access reality in a way previously unknown. The shift in awareness causes the realignment in working symbols that allows us to experience what was always there, the immense intricacies of Spirit reality, the moment of…

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As co-creators we contribute to life…

As co-creators we contribute to life, and do not detract from life. We grow and recycle our efforts in perpetual motion. We determine and choose, hooking into the vibrancy and dynamic urge of the creative Word. We select, then act in support of life, and we see the results of our actions echoing outwards, resonating…

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