Frequency of Expansion Point

Frequency of Expansion Point: This is a state where conscious awareness is expanded beyond the limits of the five physical senses. Expansion Point has many different facets, including exploring nonphysical realities, decision-making, problem-solving, and enhanced creative expression.One of the Rings/Levels as I define them in “Soul Retrieval: Guiding Souls to the Light”:

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Frequency of the Edge of Life

Frequency of the Edge of Life: The final bridge between the physical and the nonphysical realms, access to nonphysical energies and intelligences. This is the farthest you can go without separating yourself from your body. The Earth system reality stops here. Deceased people can exist between Earth and this level. Here I find souls who…

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Frequency of the Belief System Territories

One of the Rings/Levels as I define them in “Soul Retrieval: Guiding Souls to the Light”:Frequency of the Belief System Territories: These areas contain afterlife expressions of certain spiritual traditions and beliefs in human history. Here is that religious center of all beliefs and forms of organized religions, including tribal and Modern Illusions.

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I finally stayed at home that night, resting and pushing off the demands of sleep after a visit where I as usual merged with the constant flow of uncreated energy. This mutual give and take strengthens my core energy and is, plainly stated, a sensual experience as much as a rejuvenation within my energetic body.…

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The healer is able to move their awareness

The healer is able to move their awareness out of their being into the awareness of the patient, linking by intent the intertwining energy bodies of both him and his patient. Blending, through the persistence of actualized intent, into the being of the patient, then constructing through the actualization a completed structure of the healing…

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2-11 at 9:10 AM – Healing Center

I went into a deeper-than-usual meditation prior to phasing to the City of Lights. A strong image in detail formed in front of me—a flowering tree dense with leaves sprouting brilliant, small red flowers. The vision would not go away when I shifted attention. I knew from past mediations that this steady unchangeable visual pointed…

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Experiences from 12-21 at 7 AM

Today after meditation on the black light of Creation/Source, I felt strong enough to continue with a retrieval within the ringed inner zone of the Afterlife Energy Ring. I am not sure if this is an accurate description, or where exactly Souls engaged in reliving their actions are quarantined. Or if this is a unique…

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A Black Hole Visit with No Support

My notes from a black hole visit with no support. I went alone. On entry, I immediately shifted into a thin curl of light and passed through without effort. The visuals were brighter and wonderful. The interior experience was one of a tourist gawping at the city lights. I passed through, reshaped into a bullet-like…

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By suspending ordinary reality…

By suspending ordinary reality, we move into an expanded, fractured moment of “now.” You can describe, continuously at your leisure, from any vantage point, the experience that is the selected focus of awareness.

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The directing of energy by the healer…

The directing of energy by the healer is not measurable enough to appear that something is being done. However, from the expanded view or awareness of the moment, it is really the Self inserting a new, or recreated, description of reality for the patient.

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