Frequency of the City of Black Lights
Frequency of the City of Black Lights: A vast area of blackness existing in “no-time” filled with the ...
READ MORE Frequency of Attunement of Consciousness
Frequency of Attunement of Consciousness: A state of consciousness where the physical body is asleep or profoundly relaxed ...
READ MORE Frequency of Expansion Point
Frequency of Expansion Point: This is a state where conscious awareness is expanded beyond the limits of the ...
READ MORE Frequency of the Edge of Life
Frequency of the Edge of Life: The final bridge between the physical and the nonphysical realms, access to ...
READ MORE Frequency of the Belief System Territories
One of the Rings/Levels as I define them in "Soul Retrieval: Guiding Souls to the Light":Frequency of the ...
I finally stayed at home that night, resting and pushing off the demands of sleep after a visit ...
READ MORE The healer is able to move their awareness
The healer is able to move their awareness out of their being into the awareness of the patient, ...
READ MORE 2-11 at 9:10 AM – Healing Center
I went into a deeper-than-usual meditation prior to phasing to the City of Lights. A strong image in ...
READ MORE Experiences from 12-21 at 7 AM
Today after meditation on the black light of Creation/Source, I felt strong enough to continue with a retrieval ...
READ MORE A Black Hole Visit with No Support
My notes from a black hole visit with no support. I went alone. On entry, I immediately shifted ...
READ MORE By suspending ordinary reality…
By suspending ordinary reality, we move into an expanded, fractured moment of “now.” You can describe, continuously at ...
READ MORE The directing of energy by the healer…
The directing of energy by the healer is not measurable enough to appear that something is being done. ...
READ MORE My experience of the downfall of Atlantis…
My experience of the downfall of Atlantis is that the source of the destruction was pride in a ...
READ MORE December 3-4, 2021: A Healing with Removal of an Energy Attachment and a Follow-Up Visit
John, a friend, sent me a text saying he wanted to remove his attachment he had named “Ray.” ...
READ MORE In Atlantis, as a Priest Scientist…
I remembered a past-life experience of my own when I had been vaporized by an explosion of uncontrolled ...
READ MORE Maastricht old town
While exploring the historic Maastricht old town (Netherlands), I had the chance to step into the Oude Minderbroederskerk ...
READ MORE 12-28 2:15 a.m.
Upon reaching the retrieval zone, it was deserted and devoid of any activity. The black zone also appeared ...
READ MORE Birthmarks or physical difficulties
I was asked about birthmarks or physical difficulties that people may carry with them from another life, and ...
READ MORE 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝟓-𝟑𝟎-𝟐𝟎 𝐚𝐭 𝟔:𝟎𝟎 𝐀𝐌
I went to visit my youngest son while checking room and house shields. These were in good shape, ...
READ MORE My guardian angel, Priscus
𝗔𝗻 𝗘𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝟭𝟬-𝟭𝟬-𝟮𝟭, 𝟲:𝟬𝟬 𝗮.𝗺. I met my guardian angel this morning, Priscus, on x49. He was ...