Jeffers: The Pattern is the neural network of the Creative Intelligence, the guiding force of reality as it occurs in all its dimensions of creativity.
The Pattern is the underlying structure of self-consciousness as created and emplaced by the Originators of all of the different forms of consciousness resident throughout our galaxy.
Jeffers: To act as our personalized guide, mentor, and energy resource as we strive to evolve in consciousness to final uplift when the need to be centered in this reality is completed and we move on.
Jeffers: The degree of my particular expression of consciousness became clear, filling me with a more complete understanding of consciousness with new concepts and ideas.
The experience was and is the high octane needed to slip through the framework of our current realities.
Jeffers: The Pattern is our teacher and is the baseline reality of the formation and expression of consciousness—our personal Pattern of self-awareness, changing for each of us as we move forward to the point where we realize ourselves as a part of a whole.
In reuniting with the intent of the Pattern, we find fulfillment, a harmony and blending of energy found in following the natural course of life as it takes us effortlessly to our destination—our destiny—as we know it in our current form. We mesh with the active intent of the Creative urge.
We understand, possibly for the first time since treading the path of creation, the absolute sense of fulfillment in doing that thing which we find most right in our heart.
Jeffers: The unifying consciousness of this galaxy.
Jeffers: Underlying cultural beliefs and dogmas push us into boxed thinking.
To “break out” of the box, we need to create a new paradigm of our personal reality.
I call this “cognitive re-framing.
Jeffers: Nothing prompted me.
I saw that I could consciously, with a directed flow of energy, shift the alignment of the particles of energy shaping our individual reality.
Jeffers: A prime example is told in a story in the book The Pattern—the healing of the broken back of a family member, verified by a “before and after” X-ray of the spine.
Jeffers: There are no other aspects of consciousness.
All are one.
All forms of consciousness are unified by the creative source that we each express as “ourselves.”
Jeffers: Intention is the degree of clarity of the expression of our consciousness, providing us with the tools needed to think, structure, and engage ourselves in achieving a stated goal for every action we undertake.
Jeffers: The retrieval process is the helping hand from one soul to another as needed to bring the deceased into the Light after suffering extreme trauma.
My experiences in Ukraine have shown me that souls shredded by intense explosions could be tagged and reorganized enough to be aware of the Light.
This was achieved by moving backwards in time before the individuals were vaporized and “tagging” them with energy markers on enough of their scattered energy particles to find them and then move them to greater resources to heal and reengage in their personal journey.
Before this recent experience, I did not know about energy-tagging particles of a destroyed soul.
Jeffers: The Pattern is a learning tool available to each of us, designed to uplift our individual and group consciousness.
It offers a shift of context from the first formation of our consciousness into our full maturity.
This was achieved by moving backwards in time before the individuals were vaporized and “tagging” them with energy markers on enough of their scattered energy particles to find them and then move them to greater resources to heal and reengage in their personal journey.
Before this recent experience, I did not know about energy-tagging particles of a destroyed soul.