Committing to Spirit
Around the age of 18, I was writing poetry in the school’s cafeteria when I imagined a place of no space, no air, no energy. My life seemed to slip into a new level of insight that showed me the discontent I was really feeling— that life had become a barren ground. Creating art, poetry, even life for that matter held no meaning for me.
What was missing?
I had friends and enjoyed walking the Chicago city streets. I lived comfortably and kept my own hours. I was healthy, having fun with women, had an active social life, went out on the town, but something was not there.
What was it?
I knew then: man is an island until he rejoins the creative flow of life.
I wondered how I could rejoin the creative flow of life. Like the flash of light, I understood that it was my heritage to merge with Spirit in some future time. And I needed to find that Spirit. Now I had nothing there to hold or grasp. Spirit was always just a few steps away from my touch. But I did have the answer to this puzzle—to merge with Spirit required an implacable intent to attract and keep its attention. Like an ally, Spirit would be my guide and teacher.
From this flashing moment, I made it my mission. Year after year, I polished my Spirit until the day Spirit gifted me with its presence.
Along the way, I learned that Spirit responds to our intent and waits for us to signal readiness to begin our journey. To survive in the jungle of man, I had to keep the truth front and center. The truth was my truth – my truth of my Self, or what I know to be true in my heart and in my head. This was my foundation to survive in a predatory world.
From “The Pattern: An Exploration of Consciousness”