DECEMBER 17, 2020 ABOUT 3:30 A.M.
From “Soul Retrieval: Guiding Souls to the Light” now on Amazon
I decided at the start to go for another recovery in the dark zone. I arrived in the Park and spent a long time strengthening and repairing my personal energy shield. I knew then my goal was to go much deeper into the black zone for a retrieval. I asked for help from Helpers and as expected, two of them I know arrived. The other two were new to the work. I explained in detail what I wanted to accomplish and one of then walked away. Another came forward. I asked Alphia for her blessing of love, and satisfied all was in place, phased to the Afterlife Zone.
I arrived at the usual location and pulled out the globe that is now my only tool in recovery and walked past the gray forms into the dark. I walked past the deepest recovery. The air was hazy with a ground cover over thick black goop. I did not stick to it. It does not seem to bother me as before. Suddenly I walked into a wall that went endlessly left and right, as well as up. I bounced off it again and realized this was a barrier to the inner black zone rings.
I was not discouraged and on some impulse, I lifted the globe. The globe—which I later would name the Tre’Noc—brightened. At its touch, the wall in that one area immediately became translucent. Not questioning success, I walked through the barrier to the other side. No more obstructions presented themselves and I continued to walk to what I perceived to be the center. There was a sky and horizon line but not any direct light. The lack of reference location to the area behind me was unsettling but continued.
Eventually, I walked to a location where I sensed a retrieval target was close by. I sensed it using response vibrations like echo sonar. I asked the Helper and she pointed to a flat piece of ground covered by black rocks and the tar-like ground cover. I need to know how the Helper identifies retrieval numbers and their source. Probably somewhere in Expansion Point hiding in plain sight.
I sighed (really, I sighed in a different realm of consciousness; I really dislike a mess, either here or there). At the first strike of a claw hammer (where did that come from?), several horror film bodies surrounded me and tried to get through the globe’s light. Not happening.
I pointed at them and told them to buzz off. It worked. I continued to dig and found a flat stone covering half the burial pit. I gripped it, pulled the slab up, and then some truly awful creatures showed up. They pointed at me, exclaiming in sounds and energy projections in a language I did not understand. They sent many non-verbal communications my way: “Leave this one alone,” “You are finished here,” “Go back to your work,” and “Go away.”
I ignored them and lifted the stone slab covering the lower torso and legs. Inside was a dried skeletal person who did not look up at the dark light, blink, or signal. They simply did not see or hear anything. No eye movement. No response. I tried talking to it (Man? Woman?). No response.
I did not know what to do. I had to get the consent of the retrieval to move them. This failed and the creatures above the hole—very noisy fellows—continued to kept shout and threaten me.
Coincidentally, as I partially lifted the retrieval up, the retrieval’s arm fell down. I decided that was a best effort signal of consent to allow me to and pick them up and transition to the Light. My Helper confirmed the number of the retrieval and it was indeed on the list. I did not want to spend much more time there. I was nearly out of “oxygen” (energy) and emotional tolerance from the constant energy assaults. I have to tweak my energy field to deflect them.
I phased to the City of Lights. No issues there. I was met by two Helpers who took the body and went off to where they go. It was time to return to my chair and refresh myself with the feeling of freedom.
I thought the depth of near-death I saw was wrong. To be a soul serving an unlimited term of punishment was torture—not education, not expiation, not balancing the karmic wheel.
Management really did not like these souls. They were caged within a breakout-proof thought form, repeating and repeating their self-inflicted punishment to pointlessness. The Managers did not like this one I recovered. There was no full-court press, but I suspected more such recoveries would not be well received.
Are the inner rings a “special” punishment for souls directed by the Managers and the Director? (Yes, there is a Director and an under-crew.) Were they isolating souls they deemed incorrigible?
My belief is that many of these souls are Luciferians, captured and confined in the angelic wars, when angels—the highest form of spiritual consciousness—battled each other for the predominant “right thinking.” When they lost this massive struggle, they were hunted down, caught, and stored away in safe confinement as punishment. The Luciferians were once the light of angelic consciousness. They sat on the right side of the Creator. Their words was law, so they made a lot of enemies.
The other Houses won; the game was theirs to play as they liked. And they wanted this. But for tens and hundreds of thousands of Earth-time years? This place is timeless, a never-ending Hell. On Earth, death—regardless how brutal—is the end of the body and mind. This just continues without end.
Thoughts came running through my mind then, as well as now, as I recapture this experience. The inner ring is “illegal” within the framework of recovering souls who have completed their particular self-punishment with the intent to clean up the inner rings and lift human consciousness to its best form of Spirit. There is no light, hope, or love here—not that I see. There is only anguish, hatred, and self-damaging thoughts and emotions.
This place does not fit in the scheme of a liberated humankind. Why is it this way? The more I traveled inward, the more my doubts accumulated about who was in charge and why they were doing this. Victor’s malice and pride? Where was the redemption?
The inner ring’s toxic nature infects the Earth, generation after generation. This black cloud spreads down to humanity—to normal souls—in thoughts, dreams, and visions in waves that induce violence and brutality in all of its forms. This place needs to be seriously remade for human consciousness to go forward.
Most of all, why is it tolerated? Who got sold on fake goods covering a deeper agenda—not of redemption, but of endless punishment? Very annoying. If I stayed in the outer rings—the gray zones—I would not catch any thought of what was happening down the road.
What is next for me? I cannot give up on the children and elderly who are confused, distracted, and swimming in disbelief. Soldier on, I guess. I will see what there is to see.