Energy Healing and Intention
In energy healing, there is a degree of acceptance for both the healer and patient. Each is simultaneously open to scrutiny by Spirit as acceptable candidates for the healing flow.
So is contact necessary? Is healing mechanical, with the opening of one’s self to the healing influence sufficient to begin the healing process? What actually triggers the healing process? Being available, stating one’s intent? Is presence a requirement for healing?
Logic suggests that the healing activity occurs first through the completed imagination of the healer as spiritual energy is directed to the patient. Does Spirit need to be visualized to be effective or does the healer literally get out of the way and let events unfold on their own accord? Does the healer rely on their own energy or that of the healing force of Spirit? Observation would suggest there is a finite capacity to heal if the healer depends on their own resources, both mechanical and mental.
It is apparent there is not sufficient energy in the body to actually heal a difficult illness. Spontaneous or complete healings are rare.
Observation suggests that the energy field of the healer is sufficient to actually heal, dependent on the healer’s ability to express the healing intent. Yet is it enough?
Yes, for some tissue disorders, for provoking the natural healing response of the cell, enabling it through the supplementation of its energy impulse to begin again the process of healing. The mechanics are present, though possibly suppressed by depression, foreign matter, viral intervention, or damage to the cell.
Is this enough for radical intervention? Broken bones, tears in the heart wall, the presence of cancer or debilitating diseases of the brain, or the attendant dysfunction of AIDS?
My experience is that the healer may initiate the process of healing as they are allowed by the patient. A fine interjection of directed energy is allowed both consciously and unconsciously on the part of the patient. Without active cooperation and the receptivity of the patient, the best healing can only occur with limited success.
Healing is an agreement between individuals, some in active cooperation, some in active rejection. The mouth may say yes, while the heart says no. The heart wins as it is the final expression of Soul in its journey through life.
Illness arises more from the patterns of ill health that have been developed since birth by the patient, combined with the soul’s stated goals for their life. It is also the individual soul’s private dance in the reality of flesh, a series of phases that occur from birth to death.
The patient comes to the healer in the state they are expressing a disorder—a state, however severe it may be, that is much more fundamental than the apparent disorder they are experiencing. Doctors will not prevent healthy patients from dying and unhealthy ones recover in the face of insurmountable odds.
Why? Again, review the patient in light of their spiritual totality. The release in death may be a timely, orderly transition to spirit, though the patient be young and apparently innocent of spiritual blemishes. Who are we to finally judge the decisions of Spirit? Again, recovery into health may be an exercise in continued education for another soul that is not complete with the experience of life. Again, how can these distinctions be evaluated and judged in our limited ability to see the patient in a greater context of soul evolution?
The spiritual healer has at least a primary awareness that greater forces than their own consciousness are involved in the process. Anyone who invokes the name and presence of Spirit in the healing process successfully is aware of a presence and energy that is not usually accorded to them. The greater the success in communing with spirit, the more apparent it becomes that the healer is a mere channel to a greater force, one that if manipulated or directed in an inappropriate manner is guaranteed to produce limited success, if any at all.