Karma and The Pattern

Karma is popularly known as the belief that our life experiences are the result of past actions…
Karma is popularly known as the belief that our life experiences are the result of past actions. As a law of cause and effect, karma means that our current actions and thoughts have consequences shaping our future experiences.
If we help someone in need, we can expect the good karma of receiving assistance in return. Conversely, if we harm someone, we can expect a negative repercussion due to the bad karma we created.
This principle of cause and effect is central to many spiritual traditions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism.
In my experiences with The Pattern, I began to understand karma as an energetic system where debt and surplus seek balance. Like a math equation, these energies within Spirit constantly seek equilibrium.
The unfolding process is constant across layers of consciousness, not just human consciousness. The energy of karma continually moves from one point to the other, with no judgment of what is good and bad.
At the core of “karma” is learning, expanding our awareness and moving us towards the ideal.
Karmic imbalance is the root of the problems we face as we navigate our physical and spiritual realities.
It is compounded by any resistance to the ebb and flow of this energy. Resistance – either through refusing to let go or through refusing to address the effects of our decisions – only accelerates the process of creating the energy debts of karma.
Karma is not a punishment from Spirit. Spirit does not judge us; my experiences show that we are our harshest judge.