Our current in-hand form of consciousness…



Our current in-hand form of consciousness existing in time/space is a small portion of our greater consciousness — The Higher Self. Here in materiality, our energy bodies are reflections of the energy patterns we assume when we are born. Who we are now is a reflection of who we are “there” for the sole purpose of balancing ourselves in time/space. The need to exist is inborn to the need to experience greater consciousness.

In the greater consciousness of Spirit, we are satisfied with who we are. We know in greater consciousness that what we are expressing energetically in the here/now is a sliver of our Total Self. We came into this particular form of consciousness to learn. Knowing-all-that-is leaves out the struggle of who we are “here,” and hence the knowledge of the process of Self-evolution. It is a grand ride we have chosen not to miss out on.

I think of this as “buying up,” from one expression of consciousness to another.

Intertwined in our expression of consciousness are multiple expressions of who we were, who we are, and who we will be. These are occurring simultaneously in distinct and separate modalities of what we call a here-now reality.

Think of this simplistically. The results of these multiple expressions of energy are known from the moment of our creation. The results are in. We have yet to see them. So buckle in and let the good times roll!