Re-experiencing past lives
Re-experiencing past lives had seemed to accelerate my Self-awareness. I had traveled to key locations, re-experiencing past and ...
READ MORE The distance between us and our Higher Selves
The distance between us and our Higher Selves is our frequency and dimension within the Pattern. We are ...
READ MORE In seeking to manifest itself,
In seeking to manifest itself, Spirit expresses itself as energy. Yet, this energy is neither formless nor without ...
READ MORE We cannot profess to know Spirit
We cannot profess to know Spirit without an experience of it. Our words remain hollow descriptions of spiritual ...
READ MORE When viewing the same reference point
When viewing the same reference point from an expanded perception of continuous reality, it is apparent that there ...
READ MORE A shift in perception from form
A shift in perception from form (material) to its underlying construct (Spirit) demonstrates that we are essentially limitless ...
READ MORE The healer is able to move their awareness
The healer is able to move their awareness out of their being into the awareness of the patient, ...
READ MORE The Pattern is a flow of energy
The Pattern is a flow of energy set into motion by the First Cause, or Core Consciousness, for ...
READ MORE The Light offers itself freely.
The Light offers itself freely. All of us will eventually find our way to the Light. At some ...
READ MORE 2-11 at 9:10 AM – Healing Center
I went into a deeper-than-usual meditation prior to phasing to the City of Lights. A strong image in ...
READ MORE Priest Scientist in Atlantis
In a past life, I had been vaporized by an explosion of uncontrolled energy in Atlantis. I was ...
READ MORE Experiences from 12-21 at 7 AM
Today after meditation on the black light of Creation/Source, I felt strong enough to continue with a retrieval ...
READ MORE The Soul, on the death of its physical being…
The Soul, on the death of its physical being, carries with its life experiences and knowledge, regardless of ...
READ MORE Reality is flexible
Reality is flexible and unique to your particular expression of consciousness. You exist in a multi-verse of possibilities. ...
READ MORE When we entered the Earth Energy System…
When we entered the Earth Energy System (our reality) we chose to forget all of who we were. ...
READ MORE Your Higher Self
Your Higher Self is the manager of your experience here. There is nothing naïve there. And sometimes naïveté ...
READ MORE You are a part of your total self
You are a part of your total self when you exist in physicality in the restraints of time/space. ...
READ MORE In higher levels of self-awareness
In higher levels of self-awareness, like that of humans, the direction is conscious and aimed at achieving greater ...
READ MORE Energy attachments are self-serving
Energy attachments are self-serving. Conscious in their own right. They can be managed—even useful—but very dangerous. They are ...